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1934 – A.H. Brothers Cabinet Makers

1962 – Firdos Furnishers

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The best Cabinet makers in central India

Husain Firdosy

An artist by passion & a forest contractor by profession, Husain Firdosy studied arts from the JJ school in Mumbai after which he spent time painting landscapes under the foliage of trees. Having a strong fondness for the creating objects as well as a deep understanding of beauty, he followed his desire to establish a luxury furniture store in 1934 in the name of A.H. Brothers - Cabinet Makers, one of the first stores of its kind in Central India. Over time, the store built a reputation for its workmanship and came to be known as an embodiment of excellence and quality. Under the aegis of its owner, the store became the most reputed furniture store in the region, furnishing many of the major British offices of the time. It was also awarded for its works for the Governor House, Airport, Central Museum, Imperial Bank and other prestigious institutions.


1942 – Firdos Furnishers

1962 – Firdos Furnishers

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Mastery & refinement of traditional handskills

Husain Firdosy

During this era, the Art Deco furniture was flourishing and Husain Firdosy was able to establish a style which eventually was known in central India as “Firdos Style”. This was essentially an amalgamation of the Art Deco elements&classical paintings in a functional setup, using solid teak wood with a signature French polish& a sprinkle of coloured embellishments. The furniture became the talk of the town & got projects like the government handicraft stores of Central India& many prestigious British officer cabins.


1962 – Firdos Furnishers

1962 – Firdos Furnishers

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Mastery & refinement of traditional handskills

Adam Firdosy

The business got a further boost when in 1962 Husain Bhai Firdosy’s son Adam Firdosy uplifted the business to another level taking the clientele from government contracts to private users. He started designing furniture keeping in mind the practicality & economy for potential users. The carpentry skills that he had acquired from his father since 1959 helped Adam Firdosy to master the intricacies of furniture making. Thus, the legacy of the “Firdos Style "was kept alive as mid-century modern furniture pieces for banks, guest houses, offices, and private homes. In a country dominated by vast diversities, cultures & rituals whilst being economically weak, it was a challenge to establish & maintain a unique style of luxury furniture but Adam Firdosy was able to do this with his Vitruvian approach of Beauty, function &strength.


1996 – Firdos Home Decor

1996 – Firdos Home Decor

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Pursuit of timeless design

A young Ar. Asad Firdosy sat next on the ancestral seat of Firdos Furnishers which now was selling furniture to a diverse people, from the British government to celebrities in the United states. Firdos home décor was an evolution of firdos furnishers into a Home interiors label. Sourcing antiques from the heartlands of India & deriving a unique blend of todays craftsmanship with that historical touch, the firm established itself as a curator of history, art & classic design. The firm collected & refurbished antiques from around the world and started placing them in their interior designs. The inspiration from arts & crafts was limitless as well as what made them unique.


2008 – Asad Firdosy Design & Firdos Furnishers

2008 – Asad Firdosy Design & Firdos Furnishers

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Pursuit of timeless design

A master of timeless designs, Ar. Asad Firdosy was now selling furniture to a diverse people, from the British government to celebrities like Jennifer Lopez & Ricky Martin. But as an architect & designer Asad always wanted to experiment radically & so he founded Asad Firdosy Designs a multi-disciplinary design studio with a clear vision of exploring the limits of design. Now with 30 years in the field & more than 100 interior design projects ranging from experimental hotels to formal banks, 6 highly customized contextually sensitive bungalows, 2 mega restoration farmhouse projects, 250 unique furniture pieces in more than 15 different styles of design, nearly 100 designer chairs (giving him the title of Chairman), & perhaps one of the only furniture designers working on Biomimicry with 36 internationally recognized pieces in the market today, award winning designer Asad drives the company with charged creativity & innovation. A sensitive and meticulous approach gave him an opportunity to exhibit his works at various exhibitions in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Frankfurt and the prestigious London Design Festival. Some of his designs and furniture pieces have also been featured in Miami for their uniqueness & finish. "I wish to develop a progressive vernacular modernism by pairing uncompromising traditional constructional techniques with the abstractions of natural forms. A pursuit of timeless design".


2024 – Firdosy Company

2024 – Firdosy Company

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Extra ordinary things Everyday

Ar. Asad Firdosy & son Shayan Firdosy with the highly skilled design studio are pushing the limits of handcrafting & timeless design. Working with biomimicry they are taking the design aesthetic of nature as their guide and redefining the idea of luxury in the international market. With craftsmanship & design in their blood, they want to restore the past glories of the regional handcrafting technique by upskilling young carpenters & wood workers to build internationally reputed furniture which would last for generations. The team of Architects, interior designers, lifestyle designers & furniture makersare committed to the preservation of past techniques, styles & traditions while seeking new ways to revive them.The design philosophy also follows a lot of retro futurism which they believe is a perfect tool to keep the timeline of our civilization continuous. All in all, they are devotees of building high quality products which imbue value to its users & the environments they are placed in.